Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, 89th South Central Region Leadership Conference was held in Montgomery, AL on June 13-16, 2018. It was hosted by the Awesome Alabama State Association.
The South Central Region (SCR) includes the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
The Awesome Alabama Zetas from the cities of Huntsville and Madison won the election for Regional Parliamentarian and Treasurer.
Harriett S. Littlepage, Ph.D., Delta Omega Zeta Chapter, Huntsville was elected Regional Parliamentarian. Dr. Littlepage is the Immediate Past Alabama State Association (ASA) Parliamentarian and the current First Vice-President of Delta Omega Zeta Chapter. She has served eight years as parliamentarian, four for the ASA and four for the Delta Omega Zeta Chapter. She has served on the SCR Parliamentarian Committee for the past seven years.
Dr. Littlepage is a Diamond Life Member and Zeta Organizational Leadership Certified. She was inducted into the Alabama Zeta Hall of Fame in 2016.
Mrs. Veronica White, Psi Alpha Zeta Chapter, Madison was elected Regional Treasurer.
Mrs. White is the current ASA Treasurer having served for two and one-half years, and the current President of Psi Alpha Zeta Chapter. She has served three years on the SCR Audit Committee and Chaired two of those years. She has Chaired the ASA Budget Committee and the ASA Financial Procedures Review Committee for two years each. Mrs. White is Zeta Organizational Leadership Certified and was inducted into the Alabama Zeta Hall of Fame in 2017.