Story and photo by Phyllis Jones, Speakin’ Out News senior staff writer

Dr. Courtney Murray is a Huntsville native, who has practiced dentistry for more than 10 years. She attended Lee School and completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa). She received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery Degree from Meharry Medical College, in 2008. Her first dental job opportunity was in Hope, Arkansas. As a practicing dentist, Dr. Murray is living her life-long dream, correcting the smile of others.
SON: What words would you use to describe yourself as a child?
Dr. Murray: Talkative. Bubbly. Friendly.
SON: When did you come into your own?
Dr. Murray: In the 5th grade, I had a teacher/mentor who took me under her wings and encouraged me to do positive affirmations. I started noticing changes in myself. So from the 5th grade to the 8th grade, I became more independent and realized what I liked, trying to establish myself as a person.
SON: What was the worst rule to break in your family?
Dr. Murray: To get in trouble at school. My mother worked in the school system and knew ALL of the teachers. So if I got into trouble, she would know.
SON: What was the most important lesson your father taught you?
Dr. Murray: My father made me sure I knew my worth as a woman. He encouraged me to know that I had control of my own plans. He also made sure that I knew the games that guys played and to make sure that I wasn’t naïve.

SON: When and why did you decide on this career path?
Dr. Murray: When I was in the 3rd grade I had buck teeth. I eventually wore braces and I believed that wearing them helped my self-esteem. I was no longer covering my mouth and I could freely smile again. From this moment, I wanted that feeling for other people and to create a smile for them.
SON: Describe a typical day in your business?
Dr. Murray: I have a staff of eight. Our day begins at 7:45am, with our morning huddle. We see our first patient at 8:00am and our office closes at 5:00pm. Sometimes we get a lunch break and sometimes we do not. I do all procedures from fillings, extractions, crowns, root canals, etc. It is my desire for the day to go as plan, but sometimes it doesn’t.
SON: Are you married and how many children do you have?
Dr. Murray: Yes I am married. Together my husband and I have a total of four children. Their ages range from 3 to 20.
SON: What surprised you most about being a mother?
Dr. Murray: You are raising a little person that you have to help build their confidence, and make sure they know and be proud of who they are.
SON: What do you want your kids and grandkids to learn from you?
Dr. Murray: I want them to be good people and mindful of who they are. I want them to reach for the stars and do their best at everything they set out to do. And most importantly, care about others, treat people right and have a good genuine heart.
SON: What is the hardest thing you have had to do as a parent?
Dr. Murray: Witnessing my child have a seizure and it’s out of my control.
SON: What are your feelings about growing older?
Dr. Murray: Growing older is a blessing and I look forward it. I want to be in shape and still feel young.
SON: Have you become the person you expected you would be?
Dr. Murray: I was always taught to set goals. I had said that by the age of 35 I wanted to open my own practice. Mission accomplished.
SON: What are you most proud of?
Dr. Murray: My family. I am proud that I was blessed to have children and be able to raise them.
SON: Do you think you will ever slow down? Stop working?
Dr. Murray: I am a worker. My goal is to slow down at some point, but I’m not sure at what age. I look forward to traveling with my husband as we grow old together.
SON: What are some challenges you face in business?
Dr. Murray: My challenges include being a black, female dentist because people are accustomed to a white male; managing people from day to day, especially those who may be older than you; and making sure every aspect of the business is in sync.
SON: How may you be contacted?
Dr. Murray: For all of your dental needs, please feel free to call our office (256.251.2899), or visit our website ( or visit our office (1658 Old Monrovia Road, Suite 102 – Huntsville, AL 35806).