Huntsville Progressive Alumni Chapter of the Alabama A&M Univ. Alumni Association, Inc., Installs Officers for 2025-27

Story and photo by Jerome Saintjones

HPAC 2025-27 Officers: Pictured (l-r) are members of the leadership team for the Huntsville Progressive Alumni Chapter: Allen Malone, president; Mario Williams, vice president; Dr. Dorothy Ann Downing, chaplain; Felicia Brown, secretary; Marvin Williams, treasurer; and Veva Phipps, financial secretary. Not shown: Dr. Deloris Smothers, parliamentarian.  (SON photo credit: Jerome Saintjones) 

The Huntsville Progressive Alumni Chapter (HPAC) of the Alabama A&M University Alumni Association, Inc., held an installation ceremony for its new officers on Monday, December 2, at the Hidden Creek Clubhouse. 

Outgoing President Atty. Michael Walker welcomed and presented a comprehensive report of activities to a group of nearly 50 attendees. Following an invocation by Dr. Theodis Acklin, The Honorable Judge Sybil Cleveland-Pennywell installed the 2025-27 slate of officers. 

The group included Dr. Dorothy Ann Downing, parliamentarian; Marvin Williams, treasurer; Veva Phipps, financial secretary; Felicia Brown, secretary; Mario Williams, vice president; and Allen Malone, president. Chapter members also pledged to offer their support of the officers, while President Malone promised “to continue the growth of the chapter.”