Honors Scholar Cynthia Bradley

Honors Scholar Cynthia Bradley is proudly serving as a Congressional Intern for Representative Terri Sewell in her Washington D.C. office this summer. Rep. Sewell has represented Alabama’s 7th Congressional District since 2011. Bradley, a junior political science major from Linden, Alabama, expressed her excitement and honor at being selected for the position.

“It is incredibly special to work for a representative who not only looks like me but also represents my community,” Bradley shared. “Congresswoman Sewell is the first and only Black Congresswoman from Alabama, which makes this experience even more meaningful.”

Bradley, one of seven interns selected from a highly-competitive applicant poll, began her internship on July 1 and has been immersed in various responsibilities. She credits the Alabama A&M Office of Career Development Services for their support and promotion of her application.

“My typical day involves answering constituent calls, attending legislative meetings, hearings, and briefings, and assisting other staffers with any tasks that may arise,” Bradley explained. “I am learning how to draft constituent letters, write legislative memos, and witnessing firsthand how the legislative process operates behind the scenes.”

Throughout her time on Capitol Hill, Bradley has also connected with other interns from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and says she plans to attend law school to study civil or criminal law after graduating from Alabama A&M.

“I have always been passionate about civil rights, but this internship has opened my eyes to the numerous opportunities available on the Hill,” Bradley added. “I wasn’t aware of all the various roles that legislative staffers take on. Interning has not only sparked a new interest in educational policy but also showed me that I can pursue a career as a legislative staffer on Capitol Hill.”