Jackie Reed Columnist

Thanks to Speakin Out News and to our many dedicated readers. Thanks to my family for all their support like when I broke my shoulder several months back and they took me to therapy, doctors and brought me food. I had a birthday this past week and God said that I do not have to add any more numbers to my age since I can no longer keep up with them.

Hope you had a great week as the weather was beautiful.  Memorial Day will have a lot of people out celebrating. There are many who are not ready to give up their COVID-19 masksand continue wearing them even though they are not required to do so. The City announced Friday that masks are no longer required in government buildings for those that have completed their vaccinations.


Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law a bill, that will allow Alabamians with serious sicknesses or certain medical conditions to use medical Marijuana products. Gov. Ivey thanked the bill’s sponsors, Sen. Tim Melson, R-Florence, and Mike Ball, R-Madison. This is a sensitive and emotional issue that is continually being studied.


The new Amazon Fulfillment Center coming to the Rocket City will create over 500 full time jobs.  It is the latest major development in Eastern Limestone County that has been annexed into the city of Huntsville.  It is a great honor to have Amazon locate into Huntsville.  Limestone County Commissioner is happy over the project and the investment in the county, as well as the number of jobs it will create for many years. Amazon is on the forefront of technology in the home delivery market.


Publix is opening a new shopping center at the Hayes Farm in Huntsville and is expected to be complete in fall 2021.  The market at Hays Farm will essentially be the front door along Memorial Parkway for the Hays Farm development.  The plans call for more than 400 single family homes, 600 multifamily units, an office park and retail development at the Market.  The mix-use development also incorporates a 440-acre nature preserve.  Huntsville is one of the fastest growing cities in Alabama and Hays Farm proves to be one of the top choices for a number of businesses.  The property is more than 80% leased.  Huntsville Leaders believe that the Market at Hayes Farm is a needed addition to our growing community.  


Why did our leaders not bring the Market at Hayes Farmdevelopment up at the Railroad Authority meetings instead of voting people off the boards?  My daughter was not reappointed back on the board after serving for 5 years. The City along with County officials are happy now that they have gotten rid of all that had any questions about the railroad properties as the city leaders did not want people to know how they make their deals.  Councilman Keith put his business partner in my daughter’sboard position. Councilman Bill Kling was the only one that stood up for my daughter.  When they voted on Keith’sappointee, all but Kling voted for him.  Nobody cares about how government votes on issues. This railroad property will be taken away for the Hays Farm development as they have been working on this for years.  I have seen many reappointed to these boards for 20 years or more. They will be hearing about this Railroad deal from me for many years.

Love you and have a blessed week.