Scriptural text: Isaiah 51:1-8

Lesson in Perspective:
The Babylonian Captivity lasted 70 years. Judah’s punishment was an indictment of their worship of idol gods and the sins those “gods” condoned. God’s people had forsaken the worship of the true and living God to worshipping Baal, the god of fertility.” The Word of God tells us in 1 Samuel15:22 that obedience is better than sacrifice. The exile was God’s way of purifying His people. Following the Babylonian captivity, Jewish idolatry was never a serious problem again of course other issues arose. God delivered his people from exile with an assurance that best times were still ahead.
Look to the Past (Isaiah 51:1-3).
The Lord here speaks to His people, but His people have trouble listening to Him. So, three times the exhortation is given: “Listen to me.” God counsels His people to look at His work in His people in days past. This is one of the great glories of God’s word to us; it tells us of how God has dealt with His people and gives us faith and guidance for His work in our lives-if we will listen to Him.
Expect Counsels (v. 3).
Remembering Abraham and Sarah should give them hope for His promise. The promise seems too good to be true, but by faithfully remembering God’s work in people like Abraham and Sarah, they would have faith to believe God’s promise to them today. This reminds us that though these promises had a near fulfillment in the return from the Babylon’s captivity, their ultimate fulfillment is in a regathered, blessed, and saved Israel in the millennium.
Look to the Future (Isaiah 51:4-6).
When the people ultimately regathers, blesses, and saves Israel, He will also shine forth His justice to all the world-to Israel (My nation) and to all the nations.
“For the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a garment:” These are references to phenomena surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus (Matthew 24:35, Revelation 6:12-17). This is ultimately when the justice of the Lord will be displayed to Israel and all nations.
Look Straight Ahead (Isaiah 51:7-8).
“Listen to me…Do not fear the reproach of men:” Knowing the permanence of the righteousness and salvation of the Lord, and the passing nature of the wicked (For the moth will eat them up like a garment), we should listen to God, and not be afraid of men.
“But my righteousness will be forever, and My salvation from generation to generation: Knowing that the righteousness and salvation of the Lord are permanent and the opposition and mocking of the wicked are temporary, we should stand strong in faith. This is something to listen to.
References: Enduring Word Bible Commentary, 2021-2022 KJV Standard Lesson Commentary