Creflo Dollar, Wealthy Pastor With a Private Jet, Finally Admits That “Tithing is Not Biblical”


Creflo Dollar

Nationwide — Creflo Dollar, a well-known pastor from Atlanta whose megachurch has received tens of millions of dollars in donations over the years from teaching the prosperity gospel, is now saying that tithing is not biblical, admitting that he made a mistake in his teachings.In a video posted on YouTube, Dollar can be seen telling his congregation to get rid of all of his books, tapes, and videos of him preaching about the importance of tithing in order to receive blessings.

He says that he now realizes that tithing is a teaching from the Old Testament and that it is not relevant for New Testament believers anymore. He added that he knows he will lose friends because of what he is saying but he wants to speak the truth.

Dollar, who owns luxurious cars, mansions, and a private jet, thanks to the generous donations of his congregation, has been known for teaching the prosperity gospel for nearly 40 years. This teaching often pressures churchgoers to give 10% of their assets and earnings to the church in order to receive God’s blessings. Now, however, he says that he only teaches the gospel of “grace-based giving”.