Thanks to Speakin Out News and to our many dedicated readers. Wish everyone a happy safe July 4th. The 4th is a great weekend to cook out and be with family and friends. Time is passing real fast this year and it seems I have not had time to get my house in order as I was told to do by the man upstairs. Happy Birthday to my Grandson who will be 17 on July 1st. He will be a senior in high school next year and his older brother will be a senior at Auburn. They are my only two grandchildren and I am so proud of them both.
I am having a hard time after learning that the Director of Huntsville Cemeteries will be retiring from the city after22 years of service. The Director of the cemeteries had around 170 employees working with her departments such as the Green Team and the team that keeps the grass cut at the cemeteries and other places all over the city. She has always been a great friend and always there when I called and needed something done. Her employees loved her very much and they always bragged on how she took care of them. During her time as the Director, she made Maple Hill Cemetery bigger and better than ever before. She will be missed, and I pray the new director will be as equally as awesome as she was.
There is 16-year-old boy named Shane Jones who was wanting to make some extra cash last summer. He found YouTube videos explaining how to make money buying the auctioned contents of repossessed storage units of renters that had not paid their fees. He thought buying repossessed storage units would be fun like a treasure hunt. When he won his first auction for a storage unit, he was looking thru everything and found many personal pictures and household goods. He found out the original owner’s name and called her to give her things back as he felt bad for her. What a great-hearted person.
I still wish the city leaders had used the Coke property to build the VBC a large arena for entertainment for the city. This property would have made a great extension to the VBC. Another large hotel and retail space is not what we need but it seems like that is all the city planners are interested building, along with building parking garages for their developer friends.
Love you all and have a blessed day.