Associated Press

A Democratic state representative from Huntsville pre-filed three bills aimed at eliminating symbols of and language praising the Confederacy from state laws, including one that would remove the Confederate flag from Alabama’s coat of arms.
State Rep. Laura Hall, D-Huntsville, pre-filed the bills for the legislative session that is set to get underway Feb. 2.
Along with the Confederate flag, Alabama’s coat of arms features a shield with the flags of three countries that held territory in what later became Alabama: Great Britain, France and Spain.

Hall’s bill would replace the Confederate flag with the Alabama flag in the coat of arms.
Another bill pre-filed by Hall would ban Alabama National Guard or Naval Militia members from wearing medals relating to service in the Confederacy on their uniforms.
That same bill would remove the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Daughters of the Confederacy from the list of groups allowed to use a state armory to hold their meetings.
A third bill strikes language that gives effusive praise to the Confederacy under a law that governs how the state Department of Finance manages the First White House of the Confederacy in Montgomery.
Hall’s bill removes language calling the building, situated across the street from the Alabama State Capitol, “a reminder for all time of how pure and how great were southern statesman and southern valor.”