Story and photo submitted by Mother Patrice Smith

Pastor Larry Davidson Jr, Hopewell M.B Church, Huntsville, AL

Devotion was led by Minister Greg Lanier and a Spirit filled song service was conducted by our Dynamic Praise Team, as they sang Lord I’m Coming Home, It’s All About the Name of Jesus, Comfort Me, Happy with Jesus and we were indeed blessed! An important and memorable history lesson was conducted by Deacon Bobby Petty as he explained in detail the history of Hopewell M.B. Church.

Pastor Larry Davidson Jr. sang a spiritual hymn and spoke a powerful word as he preached on the topic “Vision Restored”-Mark 8: 20-28. The sermon focused on the “Many Miracles that happened at Bethsaida (Matthew 11:20-21), the signs of miracles instruct us to have a CHANGE of HEART and not to remain the same! Jesus restored sight to the blind by just spitting and touching the eyes of the blind man. The man knew that his sight would be restored when the man said “Men look like trees” (Philippians 1:6). Jesus is ready to give us COMPLETE VISION! Pray that you find hope and power in the name of Jesus.