Scriptural text: Genesis 41:25-33
Dreams and the Purposes of God (Gen. 41:25-32). Joseph who was falsely charged by Pharaoh’s wife was thrown into Egyptian prison. But, even in prison, the favor of God was upon Joseph. While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of the baker and the cupbearer. The cupbearer promised Joseph if he was restored as cupbearer to Pharaoh that he would remember him. The cupbearer may have forgotten Joseph, but Jehovah never did. One night, God sent Pharaoh a pair of unforgettable dreams. In the first, the king saw seven fine-looking, fat cows emerging from the Nile River, followed by seven ugly, thin cows. The thin ones devoured the fat ones. Later, Pharaoh dreamed that he saw a stalk of grain sprouting seven choice ears. But then another seven ears, wind-parched and sickly, sprouted up and devoured the choice ones. In the morning, Pharaoh awoke deeply agitated over the dreams, so he called all of his wise men and magic-practicing priests to interpret them. They failed. (Gen. 41:1-8).
Finally, the cupbearer remembered Joseph! His conscience stung him, and he told Pharaoh about the remarkable young man in prison in two years earlier had correctly interpreted his dream and that of the baker. Immediately, Pharaoh had Joseph summoned from prison. (Genesis 41:9-13).
Joseph explained to Pharaoh that the two dreams had the same meaning. By repeating the message, Jehovah was signifying that the matter was “firmly established” – absolutely sure of fulfillment. The fat cows and the healthy ears of grain represented seven years of plenty in Egypt, while the lean cows represented of famine that would follow the years of plenty. That famine would devour the land’s abundance. (Gen. 41:25-32). Pharaoh knew that Joseph had the answer. Joseph had a plan of action. Pharaoh needed to find a man both “discreet and wise” to oversee the gathering of the land’s surplus grain into storehouses during the seven years of plenty and to distribute that surplus to the needy during the ensuing famine. (Gen. 41:33-36).
A Promotion Ordered by God (Gen. 41:33). Pharaoh and all of his servants saw the wisdom in Joseph’s plan. The king also acknowledged that Joseph’s God was the real force behind Joseph’s wise words. To Joseph, Pharaoh said: “Since God has caused you to know all of this, there is no one as wise and discreet as you. You will personally be over my house, and all my people will obey you implicitly. Only in my role as king will I be greater than you.” (Gen. 41:38-41). Joseph was son clothed in fine linen. Pharaoh gave him a gold necklace, a signet ring, a royal chariot, and full authority to travel through the land and put his plan into full effect. (Gen. 41:42-44)