Normal, AL, February 2020—Two Alabama Extension specialists receive grant funds to reduce highrisk behavior among urban youth. These funds will enhance youth programs in mentoring, health, and urban agriculture.
National 4-H Programs
Alabama 4-H youth development specialist Angela Williams received a $46K grant from the National 4-H Council to establish a National Mentoring Program. This initiative is supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The OJJDP recognizes that effective youth mentoring programs can reduce juvenile delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse, school truancy, and other risky behaviors.
In addition, Williams oversees the Alabama Health Rocks!® program that received a funding increase to $66K this year because of the number of youth it reached in 2019. This program enables youth, families and communities to work together to reduce tobacco, alcohol and drug use, including vaping and opioid drug abuse.
“Through 4-H, every child regardless of their background has a chance to develop decision-making and other life skills,” said Williams. “These skills are the foundation that empowers young people to become tomorrow’s leaders.”
Youth STEAM Academy
Similarly, health and nutrition specialist Tamara Warren received a 3-year grant for $250K to establish the Youth STEAM Academy. The Youth STEAM Academy integrates science (including nutrition), technology, engineering, agriculture and mathematics principles to tweens.
In Alabama, 16.1% of youth ages 10-17 are obese. Research has proven that overweight or obese kids are more likely to become obese adults. The Academy will encourage young people to adopt healthier lifestyle, to grow their own fruits and vegetables at home, and to develop an interest in STEM related studies and careers.
“The Youth STEAM Academy builds upon Alabama Extension’s Technology Enhancing Exercise and Nutrition program that combines sound nutritional information with technology,” said Warren. “It reinforces our commitment to combat obesity and to help Alabama youth reach their full potential.”
Contact Information Contact Williams at (256) 372-5713 to learn more about urban 4-H youth development activities. Warren can be reached at (256) 372-4981 for more information about the Youth STEAM Academy or urban health and nutrition programs.
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