ADC Madison County Unit hosted its Eddie Sherrod Annual Membership Breakfast

(SPEAKIN’ OUT NEWS, Huntsville, Ala.) – – The Madison County Unit of The Alabama Democratic Conference hosted its Eddie Sherrod Annual Membership Breakfast on Saturday, February 1, 2020 at the Earnest Knight Reception Center, Alabama A&M University, 4900 Meridian Street, Normal, Alabama 35762 at 8:00 am. 

The theme for this year’s event was “A Clear Focus:  The 2020 Vision for Equality” and all democratic candidates were invited to address this event. 

Tickets were $45 a person including a full southern breakfast and an ADC membership for one year. All members, former members, friends, organizations elective officials and candidates for public office were encouraged to attend. 

The keynote speaker was Dr. Joe L. Reed, State Chairman of ADC.  Reed is the current Vice-Chair of Minority Affairs of the Alabama Democratic Party and, since 1979, chair of the Alabama Democratic Conference (ADC). He also served as president of the all-Black Alabama State Teachers Association prior to its merger with the all-White Alabama Education Association in 1969, and then served as associate executive secretary alongside Executive Secretary Paul Hubbert from 1969 until both leaders retired from the AEA in 2011. He served as chairman of the Alabama State University (ASU) Board of Trustees from 1990 until 2008.  

Reed is married Mollie Perry-Reed in 1964, and they have three children Irva, Joe, and Steven; Steven served as the Montgomery County Probate Judge, and, in 2019, became the first black mayor for Montgomery ever elected in its 200 year history.  

If you would like to become a member of ADC, please mail a check or money order in the amount of $30 to Eddie C. Sherrod, 8 Hadley Hill Lane SE, Gurley, AL 35748. 

 Make all checks payable to “ADC”. 

In addition, this weekend Presidential Candidate, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, will be ADC keynote speaker for the Kennedy-Johnson-King Luncheon at the Annual Convention on February 8, 2020 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Montgomery, AL. You may reserve your room by calling 855.499.0001 or 334.269.5055. 

ADC will be screening all candidates for state and federal office who have opponents in the March 3 primary. This includes Delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Judges and other Statewide Candidates. Please keep in mind that all state officers are endorsed at the state meeting and local chapters do not endorse or recommend state candidates.   

The Alabama Democratic Conference (ADC) is an African-American political league, co-founded by Orzell Billingsley and others, in cooperation with the national Democratic Party. Formed in 1960 as the Black Political Caucus of Alabama, it was the first statewide political organization in Alabama for African Americans, and was designed in an effort to bring newly registered blacks into the Democratic ranks.