By Patricia Mokolo, Alabama NAACP Communications Chair

A police officer who mistakenly shot and killed (ABOVE) EJ Bradford Jr., a black man, at an Alabama mall will not be charged. Protesters burned American flags Tuesday night outside City Hall in Hoover. “Black Lives Don’t Matter” was painted on the flags. Newly released surveillance video from the Alabama mall shows the moment shoppers scatter at the sound of gun shots Thanksgiving night. Bradford is then seen running toward the gunfire, holding a licensed handgun of his own. A moment later, a responding Hoover police officer shoots and kills Bradford Jr., believing he was responsible for the mall shooting.

The Alabama State Conference of the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and others, will hold a joint press conference at the Hoover Police Department Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 1 pm.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall announced on Tuesday, that the Hoover Galleria Mall shooting of EJ Bradford by a Hoover Police Officer was justified. EJ Bradford, like so many other young black men have been killed because of no other reason other than the color of their skin.

With this decision, AG Marshall essentially told over 1.2 million Alabamians, that your life does not matter.

The Alabama NAACP believes that Attorney General Steve Marshall reached a biased decision in this case. The Alabama NAACP believes that this is why Marshall was so eager to take the case away from the first elected Black District Attorney of Jefferson County, so the police officer would get off with murder. Therefore, the NAACP is calling for AG Steve Marshall resignation and for a Federal Investigation into this case.