by Karen Turnage, Publicity Chairman; photo credit: Christa Winston

(Not Pictured: Azaria M. Ashford, Sydney S. Greene, Denisha S. Kendall, and Jaylin C. Martin)
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, is pleased to announce thirty-three Prospective Debutantes. EGO is excited to begin an extraordinary season with high school seniors from throughout North Alabama. The debutante season includes a multitude of activities which include Educational Training Sessions, Community Service Activities, a Mother Daughter Brunch and Hobby Talent Extravaganza. Several scholarships will be awarded at the culminating activity – the Debutante Presentation and Ball.
2019 will mark the 61st Debutante Presentation and Ball for the chapter. In keeping with the sorority’s international theme of Exemplifying Excellence, this year’s debutante theme is “Majestic Memories, Exemplifying Excellence”.
The Debutante Presentation and Ball will take place Friday, February 22, 2019. The chairman of this year’s ball is Mrs. Karen Scruggs and the co-chairman is Ms. Heather Scruggs. Dr. Cheryl R. Davis serves as the chapter president.